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Career & Technical Education




Students have a variety of options for career and technical education classes. Students should begin to explore different career options and paths during middle school. This will help them identify their interests and develop a direction for future courses.   


Career Exploration I

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How many times have you heard, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” When you close your eyes and picture yourself in the future, what do you see? Police officer? Doctor? Farmer? Pilot? Teacher? Really, the possibilities are endless. And with so many careers to pick from, it can be confusing knowing where to start your search.

1 Semester

Career Exploration II

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Imagine that it’s 20 years from now. What career do you see yourself in? What do you imagine that you’ll be doing? Will you be fighting forest fires or engineering the next rocket into space? With all the careers available, it can be difficult to narrow them down. In Career Exploration II we’ll explore more careers and what they take to succeed.

1 Semester
Career Exploration I

Coding I

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In Coding I, you will learn all about the technology you use in your day-to-day life as well as explore how the internet functions. Get an introduction to the basics of computer science and discover how to create and build your very own website using HTML and CSS. You’ll also become familiar with programming languages like JavaScript and Python Programming.

2 Semesters

Digital Citizenship

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We use technology to communicate with friends and family, find never-ending entertainment options and do our schoolwork. Discover what it means to be a responsible digital citizen, expand your digital literacy, and become a successful online student.

1 Semester

Exploring Information Tech.

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Are you interested in creating a website or app, or managing various technology solutions, but not sure where to start? If so, then it’s time to explore the different career options available to you in IT and learn the foundations of IT to get you started.

1 Semester

Game Design I

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Learn how to build a game from the ground up in Game Design I, an interactive and hands-on course that will teach you all the ins and outs of making your own game. You will learn the importance of game structure and discover what makes a game fun, challenging, and interesting to players just like you.

2 Semesters


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Are you someone who likes to write to get the story straight? Skilled journalists know how to find key facts and write them up in a way that makes it easy for others to read. In this course, you’ll learn how to ask the right questions, how to gather information effectively, organize ideas, format stories, and edit your articles. Get ready to break that news!

1 Semester


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Students learn proper finger placement and engage in systematic instruction to build both accuracy and speed.  Instruction is customized to student skill level and learning preferences, continuously increasing fluency and efficiency in typing skills.

2 Semesters

Technology Literacy

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Students will be able to use a computer and its peripherals to complete tasks. They will develop word processing skills, create electronic presentations, create and use databases, and create and use spreadsheets. Students will gain Internet skills including browsing, searching, emailing, researching, and presenting.

2 Semesters