What do you think of when you hear the phrase “sports medicine professional”? Believe it or not, the term encompasses a much larger range of career options than jobs typically associated with this field. Explore some of the most popular career pathways, day-to-day responsibilities, emergency care for athletes, and legal obligations. Discover what nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and fitness truly mean, and dive into anatomy, human biomechanics, and exercise modalities. Learn how to get started in this exciting field.
You’ve warmed up those muscles and stretched your understanding of basic human biomechanics, but now it’s time to power forward your learning even further! In Sports Medicine 1b: Injury Prevention, you’ll expand your understanding of the human body to provide a greater context for injury in a variety of scenarios. You’ll learn how to evaluate an injury, onsite tests to perform, and when to refer a patient to a medical professional. You’ll also explore the anatomy of specific body areas to better understand injuries that may occur as well as ways to prevent injury. Are you ready to keep athletes functioning at peak levels? Grab your sports tape and let’s hit the field of sports medicine!